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SWAGOLX.EXE (c) 1993 GDSOFT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 00004 1 08-24-9413:46ALL ANDREW EIGUS Good Mouse Support SWAG9408 bFƒ⌡ 45 l╚ πUnit Mouse;π{ Copyright (c) 1991, Crazy Systems Software, Inc. }ππ{$G+}ππ{π *************************************************π * *π * Mouse in Text Mode Interface Unit *π * for Borland Pascal 7.0 *π * *π * Completely written by Andrew Eigus *π *************************************************π}ππinterfaceππtypeπ TMouseWinRect = recordπ X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : wordπ end;ππ TMouseParamTable = recordπ BaudRate, { Baud rate / 100 }π Emulation,π ReportRate, { Report rate }π FirmRev,π ZeroWord, { Should be zero }π Port, { Com Port used }π PhysButtons, { Physical buttons }π LogButtons : word { Logical buttons }π end;ππ TMouseRec = recordπ Keys,π Hzints,π Page,π XCoord,π YCoord,π HSpeed,π VSpeed,π DSpeed : word;π Column,π Row : byte;π W : TMouseWinRect;π ButtonClicked : byte;π ParamTable : TMouseParamTableπ end;ππconstπ LeftButton = 1;π MidButton = 4;π RightButton = 2;ππ mNoInts = 0;π m30HzInts = 1;π m50HzInts = 2;π m100HzInts = 3;π m200HzInts = 4;ππvarπ M : TMouseRec;π MouseInstalled : boolean;ππfunction InstallMouse : boolean;πfunction GetMouseInfo(var M : TMouseRec) : byte;πfunction ButtonReleased : boolean;πprocedure SetMouseCursor(CursorOn : boolean);πprocedure SetMouseCursorType(HotSpotX, HotSpotY : word; var CursorImage);πprocedure MoveMouseTo(XCoord, YCoord : integer);πprocedure SetMouseWindow(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : word);πprocedure GetMouseSpeed;πprocedure SetMouseSpeed(HorSpeed, VrtSpeed, DblSpeed : integer);πprocedure SetMouseInts(Hz : word);πfunction GetMousePage : word;πprocedure SetMousePage(Page : word);πprocedure UninstallMouse;ππimplementationππFunction InstallMouse; assembler;πAsmπ XOR AX,AX { zero function }π INT 33hπ CMP AL,0π JE @@1π MOV MouseInstalled,Trueπ LEA DI,Mπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).Keys,0π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).Keys,BXπ PUSH ESπ PUSH DIπ CALL GetMouseInfoπ CALL GetMousePageπ CALL GetMouseSpeedπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.X1,1π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.Y1,1π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.X2,639π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.Y2,199π MOV AX,246Chπ LEA DX,M.ParamTableπ INT 33hπ MOV AL,Trueπ@@1:πEnd; { InstallMouse }ππFunction GetMouseInfo; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,0003hπ INT 33hπ LES DI,Mπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).XCoord,CXπ SHR CX,3π INC CLπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).Column,CLπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).YCoord,DXπ SHR DX,3π INC DLπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).Row,DLπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).ButtonClicked,BLπ MOV AL,BL { LeftButton, MidButton or RightButton }π@@1:πEnd; { GetMouseInfo }ππFunction ButtonReleased; assembler;πAsmπ LEA DI,Mπ PUSH ESπ PUSH DIπ CALL GetMouseInfoπ MOV AL,Trueπ CMP BL,0π JE @@1π MOV AL,Falseπ@@1:πEnd; { ButtonReleased }ππProcedure SetMouseCursor; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@2π MOV AX,0001hπ CMP CursorOn,Trueπ JE @@1π MOV AX,0002hπ@@1:π INT 33hπ@@2:πEnd; { SetMouseCursor }ππProcedure SetMouseCursorType; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,000Ahπ MOV BX,HotSpotXπ MOV CX,HotSpotYπ LES DX,CursorImageπ INT 33hπ@@1:πEnd; { SetMouseCursorType }ππProcedure MoveMouseTo; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,0004hπ MOV CX,XCoordπ MOV DX,YCoordπ INT 33hπ@@1:πEnd; { MoveMouseTo }ππProcedure SetMouseWindow; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π LEA DI,Mπ MOV AX,0007hπ MOV CX,X1π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.X1,CXπ MOV DX,X2π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.X2,DXπ INT 33hπ MOV AX,0008hπ MOV CX,Y1π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.Y1,CXπ MOV DX,Y2π MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).W.Y2,DXπ INT 33hπ@@1:πEnd; { SetMouseWindow }ππProcedure GetMouseSpeed; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,001Bhπ INT 33hπ LEA DI,Mπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).HSpeed,BXπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).VSpeed,CXπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).DSpeed,DXπ@@1:πEnd; { GetMouseSpeed }ππProcedure SetMouseSpeed; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,001Ahπ MOV BX,HorSpeedπ MOV CX,VrtSpeedπ MOV DX,DblSpeedπ INT 33hπ CALL GetMouseSpeedπ@@1:πEnd; { SetMouseSpeed }ππProcedure SetMouseInts; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,001Chπ MOV BX,Hzπ INT 33hπ@@1:πEnd; { SetMouseInts }ππFunction GetMousePage; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,001Ehπ INT 33hπ LEA DI,Mπ MOV [ES:DI](TMouseRec).Page,BXπ MOV AX,BXπ@@1:πEnd; { GetMousePage }ππProcedure SetMousePage; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,001Dπ MOV BX,Pageπ INT 33hπ CALL GetMousePageπ@@1:πEnd; { SetMousePage }ππProcedure UninstallMouse; assembler;πAsmπ CMP MouseInstalled,Trueπ JNE @@1π MOV AX,0020hπ INT 33hπ@@1:πEnd; { UninstallMouse }ππBeginπ MouseInstalled := False;π FillChar(M, SizeOf(TMouseRec), 0)πEnd. { Mouse }ππ{---now the demo program---}ππProgram MouDemo;ππuses Crt, Mouse;ππBeginπ if InstallMouse thenπ beginπ ClrScr;π SetMouseCursor(True);π WriteLn('Mouse is installed.');π WriteLn('Click left mouse button in the upper left corner of your ' +π 'screen to quit.');π repeatπ GetMouseInfo(M);π until (M.ButtonClicked = LeftButton) and (M.Column = 1) and (M.Row = 1);π Write('Waiting to release left button...');π repeat until ButtonReleased;π Write(#13);π ClrEol;π SetMouseCursor(False);π UninstallMouseπ end else WriteLn('Mouse is NOT installed.')πEnd.ππ 2 08-24-9413:46ALL FRED JOHNSON Good Mouse Support SWAG9408 Σ╛└ 80 l╚ πunit mouse3;π{-------------------------------------------------------------------------πReference Tableπ M1 M2 M3 M4π 1 0 0 0 = Turn Mouse on with cursor.π 2 0 0 0 = Turn Mouse Off.π 3 ? ? ? = To see if buttons are pressed.π Test registers with logical AND (M2 is BX register)π M2 and 1 = Left Buttonπ M2 and 2 = Right Buttonπ M2 and 3 = Left and Right Buttonsπ M2 and 4 = Middle Buttonπ M2 and 5 = Left and Middle Buttonsπ M2 and 6 = Right and Middle Buttonsπ M2 and 7 = Left, Middle and Right Buttonsππ 3 0 X Y = Get Mouse Cursor position.π M3 (CX) will return Mouse X coordinates. ( 0 = left wall)π M4 (DX) will return Mouse Y coordinates. ( 632 = right wall)π Divide by 8 and add 1 for Turbo Pascal XY position.ππ 4 0 X Y = Set Mouse Cursor position.π M3 (CX) set for Mouse X coordinate. ( 0 = left wall)π M4 (DX) set for Mouse Y coordinate. ( 632 = right wall)ππ 6 ? 0 0 = Mouse Button Release Status. M2 (BX) set if Trueπ}ππinterfaceππUSES dos,crt;ππTYPEπ xMouseFuncs = recordπ bFunction : function : boolean;π end;ππVARπ M1,M2,M3,M4 : word;π Regs : Registers; { MS DOS Registers }ππPROCEDURE Mouse( var M1,M2,M3,M4 : word );πPROCEDURE DeInitMouse;πPROCEDURE InitMouse;πPROCEDURE GetMousePos;πPROCEDURE GetMouseStats;πPROCEDURE SetMousePos(xM3, yM4:word);ππFUNCTION MPos(wPosition : word) : word;πFUNCTION LeftButton : Boolean;πFUNCTION LeftAndRightButtons : Boolean;πFUNCTION LeftAndMiddleButtons : Boolean;πFUNCTION RightAndMiddleButtons : Boolean;πFUNCTION LeftMidAndRightButtons : Boolean;πFUNCTION MiddleButton : Boolean;πFUNCTION RightButton : Boolean;πFUNCTION MouseRelease : boolean;ππconstπ MouseButton : array[1..7] of xMouseFuncs =π (π (bFunction : LeftButton),π (bFunction : RightButton),π (bFunction : LeftAndRightButtons),π (bFunction : MiddleButton),π (bFunction : LeftAndMiddleButtons),π (bFunction : RightAndMiddleButtons),π (bFunction : LeftMidAndRightButtons)π );ππ MOUSE_REST = 0;π MOUSE_L = 1;π MOUSE_R = 2;π MOUSE_L_R = 3;π MOUSE_M = 4;π MOUSE_L_M = 5;π MOUSE_R_M = 6;π MOUSE_L_M_R = 7;ππimplementationπππFUNCTION MPos(wPosition : word) : word;π beginπ MPos := (wPosition div 8)+1;π end;ππFUNCTION LeftButton : Boolean;π beginπ LeftButton := FALSE;π if (M2 and 1) <> MOUSE_REST thenπ begin { if left button pressed }π LeftButton := TRUE;π end;π end;ππFUNCTION RightButton : Boolean;π beginπ RightButton := FALSE;π if (M2 and 2) <> MOUSE_REST thenπ begin { if right button pressed }π RightButton := TRUE;π end;π end;ππFUNCTION LeftAndRightButtons : Boolean;π beginπ LeftAndRightButtons := FALSE;π if (M2 and 3) = 3 thenπ beginπ LeftAndRightButtons := TRUE;π end;π end;ππFUNCTION MiddleButton : Boolean;π beginπ MiddleButton := FALSE;π if (M2 and 4) <> MOUSE_REST thenπ beginπ MiddleButton := TRUE;π end;π end;ππFUNCTION LeftAndMiddleButtons : Boolean;π beginπ LeftAndMiddleButtons := FALSE;π if (M2 and 5) = MOUSE_L_M thenπ beginπ LeftAndMiddleButtons := TRUE;π end;π end;ππFUNCTION RightAndMiddleButtons : Boolean;π beginπ RightAndMiddleButtons := FALSE;π if (M2 and 6) = MOUSE_R_M thenπ beginπ RightAndMiddleButtons := TRUE;π end;π end;ππFUNCTION LeftMidAndRightButtons : Boolean;π beginπ LeftMidandRightButtons := FALSE;π if (M2 and 7) = MOUSE_L_M_R thenπ beginπ LeftMidAndRightButtons := TRUE;π end;π end;ππFUNCTION MouseRelease : boolean;π beginπ MouseRelease := FALSE;π M1 := 6;π Mouse( M1,M2,M3,M4 ); { Set mouse cursor ON }π if MOUSE_REST <> M2 thenπ beginπ MouseRelease := TRUE;π end;π end;ππPROCEDURE Mouse( var M1,M2,M3,M4 : word );π beginπ With Regs DOπ beginπ AX := M1;π BX := M2;π CX := M3;π DX := M4;π end;π intr($33,Regs); { Interrupt $33, the mouse interrupt }ππ With Regs DOπ beginπ M1 := AX;π M2 := BX;π M3 := CX;π M4 := DX;π end;π end;ππPROCEDURE InitMouse;π beginπ M1 := 1;π Mouse( M1,M2,M3,M4 ); { Set mouse cursor ON }π end;ππPROCEDURE DeInitMouse;π beginπ M1 := 2;π Mouse( M1,M2,M3,M4 ); { Set mouse cursor OFF }π end;ππPROCEDURE GetMousePos;π beginπ M1 := 3;π Mouse(M1, M2, M3, M4);π end;πππPROCEDURE GetMouseStats;π beginπ M1 := 3;π M2 := 0;π M3 := 0;π m4 := 0;π Mouse(M1, M2, M3, M4);π end;ππPROCEDURE SetMousePos(xM3, yM4:word);π beginπ M1 := 4;π Mouse(M1, M2, xM3, yM4);π end;ππbeginπ initmouse; {Take this out if you do not wish mouse to auto initialize}πend.ππ{----------------------------- DEMO PROGRAM ---------------------}ππUSES dos, crt, mouse3, Frame2;ππVARπ satisfied : boolean; { if mouse pos and button are together }ππCONSTπ Menu_ClrScr = 'C';π Menu_Quit = 'Q';ππPROCEDURE DO_Mssg;π beginπ gotoxy(1,24);π writeln('Push Middle Button or L/R buttons together for menu');π write('XY Coordinates totalling 40 will produce beep');π end;ππFUNCTION MenuHit(cChar : char) : Boolean;π beginπ GetMousePos;π MenuHit := FALSE;π if (27 = MPos(M3)) and (MouseButton[MOUSE_L].bFunction) thenπ beginπ if (Menu_ClrScr = cChar) and (11 = MPos(M4)) thenπ beginπ MenuHit := TRUE;π ClrScr;π Do_Mssg;π exit;π end;ππ if (Menu_Quit = cChar) and (12 = MPos(M4)) thenπ beginπ MenuHit := TRUE;π exit;π end;π end;π end;ππBEGINπ satisfied := false;π textcolor(7); { Grey }π ClrScr;π Do_Mssg;ππ while not keypressed do { until KEYBOARD key is pressed }π beginπ GetMouseStats;π gotoxy(1,1);π write('M3 =',MPos(M3):2,π ' M4 =',MPos(M4):2);ππ if (MPos(M3)+MPos(M4) = 40) thenπ beginπ write(#7);π end;ππ if MouseButton[MOUSE_L].bFunction thenπ beginπ gotoxy(16,1);π write('Left Button');π clreol;π end;ππ if MouseButton[MOUSE_R].bFunction thenπ beginπ gotoxy(16,1);π write('Right Button');π clreol;π end;ππ if (MouseButton[MOUSE_M].bFunction= TRUE) or {Middle Button}π (MouseButton[MOUSE_L_R].bFunction = TRUE) then {Left & Right}π beginπ SetMousePos(30*8, 11*8); { Sets MCursor out of way }π Frame(1,25,10,39,13);π gotoxy(26,11);π textcolor(14);π write(' ',Menu_ClrScr);π textcolor(07);π write('learscreen');π gotoxy(26,12);π textcolor(14);π write(' ',Menu_Quit);π textcolor(07);π write('uit');π repeatπ if MenuHit(Menu_ClrScr) = TRUE thenπ beginπ satisfied := true;π SetMousePos(0,0); {Sets MCursor out of way }π end;π gotoxy(1,1);π write('M3 =',MPos(M3):2,π ' M4 =',MPos(M4):2);π clreol;ππ if MenuHit(Menu_Quit) = TRUE thenπ beginπ satisfied := true;π DeInitMouse;π ClrScr;π halt;π end;π until satisfied = true;π {ClrScr;}π end;π satisfied := false;π end;π DeInitMouse; { Turn Mouse Off }π ClrScr;πEND.ππ{ ------------------ UNIT FOR DEMO ABOVE -------------------- }ππunit frame2;πinterfaceπuses crt;ππCONSTπ DtDs = 1;π StSs = 2;π DtSs = 3;π StDs = 4;ππ xSides : array[1..4, 1..6] of char = {xSides:array[1..4,1..6]of char =}π ( { (}π (#201,#205,#187,#186,#200,#188), { ('╔','═','╗','║','╚','╝'),}π (#218,#196,#191,#179,#192,#217), { ('┌','─','┐','│','└','┘'),}π (#213,#205,#184,#179,#212,#190), { ('╒','═','╕','│','╘','╛'),}π (#214,#196,#183,#186,#211,#189) { ('╓','─','╖','║','╙','╜')}π ); { );}ππprocedure Frame(π iSideType,π iUpperLeftX,π iUpperLeftY,π iLowerRightX,π iLowerRightY : Integer);ππimplementationππprocedure Frame(π iSideType,π iUpperLeftX,π iUpperLeftY,π iLowerRightX,π iLowerRightY : Integer);ππvarπ i: Integer;ππbeginπ GotoXY(iUpperLeftX, iUpperLeftY);π Write(xSides[iSideType][1]);π for i:= iUpperLeftX+1 to iLowerRightX-1 doπ beginπ Write(xSides[iSideType][2]);π end;π Write(xSides[iSideType][3]);π for i:= iUpperLeftY+1 to iLowerRightY-1 doπ beginπ GotoXY(iUpperLeftX , i);π Write(xSides[iSideType][4]);π GotoXY(iLowerRightX, i);π Write(xSides[iSideType][4]);π end;π GotoXY(iUpperLeftX, iLowerRightY);π Write(xSides[iSideType][5]);π for i:= iUpperLeftX+1 to iLowerRightX-1 doπ beginπ Write(xSides[iSideType][2]);π end;π Write(xSides[iSideType][6]);πend;ππend.π 3 08-24-9413:57ALL JOHN HOWARD Anivga Sprite Mouse V0.4 SWAG9408 +Y 40 l╚ (* ************************************************************************π Example of ANIVGA sprite mouse using the default TurboVision Drivers unit.π Procedures in Drivers unit divide MouseInt coordinates (i.e. SAR 3) by 8 toπ convert into TPoint screen coordinates. TPoint is an object containing aπ pair of Integers. Consequently, the default mouse is pixel precise for X =π 0..79 and Y = 0..24 but should be scaled back up for a larger range.ππ Changing the source code from the Drivers unit is best approach. Make aπ clone unit that has the same keyboard/mouse constants and routines for theπ event-loop. And ignore the rest. Otherwise multiply TEvent.Where valuesπ by 8 repeatedly. As shown, precision is reduced to 8 pixels as a result.π ************************************************************************ *)π{$A+,B-,D+,L+,N-,E-,O-,R-,S-,V-,G-,F-,I-,X-}π{$M 16384,0,655360}πPROGRAM SpriteMouse;π{ Author: John Howard jhπ Version 0.4π Date: July 23, 1994π}πUSES {original sinusoid code from Kai Rohrbacher}π ANIVGAπ ,Drivers; {TurboVision event-driven mouse & keyboard}ππCONST LoadNumber=42;π TileName='AEGYPTEN.COD'; {Path & name of any sprite tile to load}π FirstTile=0;π Tiles_per_Row=2; {TileWidth}π Tiles_per_Column=2; {TileHeight}π SpriteName='FLOWER.COD'; {Path & name of any sprite to load}π CartoonName='HANTEL.LIB'; {Path & name of animated mouse cursor library}π CartoonHandle=1;π Cartoon=1; {sprite number}π MouseHandle=LoadNumber; {Clone mouse cursor}π Mouse=0; {sprite number}π Surf=Mouse +15; {just a sprite number above split index}π OFF=0; {Switch sprite OFF}πVARπ x : INTEGER;π Event : TEvent; {Drivers}π MaxFrame : word;π FrameCount : word;ππCONSTπ{ CRT Foreground and background color constants }π Black = 0;π Blue = 1;π Green = 2;π Cyan = 3;π Red = 4;π Magenta = 5;π Brown = 6;π LightGray = 7;ππ{ CRT Foreground color constants }π DarkGray = 8;π LightBlue = 9;π LightGreen = 10;π LightCyan = 11;π LightRed = 12;π LightMagenta = 13;π Yellow = 14;π White = 15;ππBEGINπ IF loadSprite(SpriteName,LoadNumber)=0π THEN BEGINπ WRITELN('Couldn''t access file '+SpriteName+' : '+GetErrorMessage);π halt(1)π END;π MaxFrame:=loadSprite(CartoonName,CartoonHandle);π{$IFDEF DEBUG}π writeln(CartoonName+' contains : ', MaxFrame); halt(1);π{$ENDIF}π IF Error<>Err_Noneπ THEN BEGINπ WRITELN('Couldn''t access file '+CartoonName+' : '+GetErrorMessage);π halt(1)π END;π InitEvents; {Drivers}π HideMouse; {Drivers}ππ InitGraph;π IF loadTile(TileName, FirstTile)=0π THEN BEGINπ CloseRoutines;π DoneEvents; {Drivers}π WRITELN('Couldn''t access file '+TileName+' : '+GetErrorMessage);π halt(1)π END;π FillBackground(LightRed); {Border}π SetAnimateWindow(32,24, XMAX-32, YMAX-24);π SetBackgroundMode(SCROLLING); {Tiles}π SetBackgroundScrollRange(0,0,XMAX,YMAX); {Tiles}π MakeTileArea(FirstTile,Tiles_per_Row,Tiles_per_Column);ππ SetSplitIndex(Mouse + MaxFrame);π SetCycleTime(30); {millisec between frames}π SpriteN[Surf]:=LoadNumber;π SpriteN[Mouse]:=MouseHandle; {clone sprite for default mouse}ππ FrameCount := 1; {min frame number}π repeatπ FOR x:=0 TO XMAX DO {vary the horizontal}π BEGINπ SpriteX[Surf]:=x; {sinusoid}π SpriteY[Surf]:=TRUNC( sin(2.0*pi*x/XMAX)*(YMAX SHR 1)+YMAX SHR 1 );ππ Event.What := evNothing; {ClearEvent}π GetMouseEvent(Event); {Drivers}π if (Event.What and evMouse) <> 0 thenπ if (Event.What = evMouseAuto) thenπ begin {animate mouse when button held down. Note: sporadic reporting}π SpriteN[Cartoon]:= OFF;π SpriteN[Mouse]:= OFF;π if (FrameCount < MaxFrame) then {min..max frame or restart}π inc(FrameCount) {min frame number}π elseπ FrameCount := 1; {start}π SpriteN[Cartoon]:= FrameCount;π SpriteX[FrameCount]:= Event.Where.X shl 3;π SpriteY[FrameCount]:= Event.Where.Y shl 3;π endπ elseπ begin {default mouse cursor}π SpriteN[Cartoon]:= OFF;π SpriteN[Mouse]:= MouseHandle;π SpriteX[Mouse]:= Event.Where.X shl 3;π SpriteY[Mouse]:= Event.Where.Y shl 3;π end; {if}π {if "mouse (X,Y) within ClipRectangle" then}π UpdateOuterArea := 2; {Required for non-dynamic background}π Animate;π END;ππ GetKeyEvent(Event); {Drivers}π until (Event.What = evKeyDown); {keypressed}ππ CloseRoutines;π DoneEvents; {Drivers}πEND.π 4 08-24-9417:53ALL OLAF BARTELT Graphics Mouse Cursor SWAG9408 σ┴±« 249 l╚ πUNIT uMCursor; { (c) 1994 by NEBULA-Soft. }π { Mausroutinen für Textmodus } { Olaf Bartelt & Oliver Carow }π{ ═════════════════════════════ } INTERFACE { ═════════════════════════════ }πUSES DOS, video; { Einbinden der Units }ππ{ The unit VIDEO is also included in the SWAG distribution in the CRT.SWG }ππ{ ─ Konstantendeklarationen ─────────────────────────────────────────────── }πCONST cLinke_taste = 1; { linke Maustaste }π cRechte_taste = 2; { rechte Maustaste }π cMittlere_taste = 4; { mittlere Maustaste (bei 3) }ππ cursor_location_changed = 1;π left_button_pressed = 2;π left_button_released = 4;π right_button_pressed = 8;π right_button_released = 16;π middle_button_pressed = 32;π middle_button_released = 64;ππ lastmask : WORD = 0;π lasthandler : POINTER = NIL;ππ click_repeat = 10;π mousetextscale = 8;π vgatextgraphiccursor : BOOLEAN = FALSE;πππ{ ─ Typendeklarationen ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── }πTYPE mousetype = (twobutton, threebutton, another);π buttonstate = (buttondown, buttonup);π direction = (moveright, moveleft, moveup, movedown,πnomove);ππ{ ─ Variablendeklarationen ──────────────────────────────────────────────── }πVAR mouse_present : BOOLEAN;π mouse_buttons : mousetype;π eventx, eventy, eventbuttons : WORD;π eventhappened : BOOLEAN;π xmotions, ymotions : WORD;π mousecursorlevel : INTEGER;π fontpoints : BYTE;ππ maxmousex : INTEGER;π maxmousey : INTEGER;πππ{ ─ exportierte Prozeduren und Funktionen ───────────────────────────────── }πPROCEDURE set_graphic_mouse_cursor; { graphischen Mousecursor setzen }πPROCEDURE showmousecursor;ππ{ ══════════════════════════ } IMPLEMENTATION { ═══════════════════════════ }π{$IFDEF VER60} { in TP 6.0 gibt es SEGxxxx }πCONST SEG0040 = $0040; { noch nicht! => definieren! }π SEGB800 = $B800;π SEGA000 = $A000;π{$ENDIF}ππ{ ─ Typendeklarationen ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── }πTYPE pTextgraphikcursor = ^tTextgraphikcursor; { Zeiger auf Array }π tTextgraphikcursor = ARRAY[0..31] OF LONGINT;ππ box = RECORDπ left, top, right, bottom : WORD;π END;π pChardefs = ^tChardefs;π tChardefs = ARRAY[0..(32*8)] OF BYTE;ππ{ ─ Konstantendeklarationen ─────────────────────────────────────────────── }πCONST pfeil : tTextgraphikcursor =π{ Maske: } ($3FFFFFFF, $1FFFFFFF, $0FFFFFFF, $07FFFFFF, $03FFFFFF, $01FFFFFF,π $00FFFFFF, $007FFFFF, $003FFFFF, $007FFFFF, $01FFFFFF, $10FFFFFF,π $B0FFFFFF, $F87FFFFF, $F87FFFFF, $FcFFFFFF,π{ Cursor: } $00000000, $40000000, $60000000, $70000000, $78000000, $7C000000,π $7E000000, $7F000000, $7F800000, $7F000000, $7C000000, $46000000,π $06000000, $03000000, $03000000, $00000000);ππ sanduhr : tTextgraphikcursor = ($0001FFFF, { 0000000000000001 }π { Cursorform: } $0001FFFF, { 0000000000000001 }π $8003FFFF, { 1000000000000011 }π $C7C7FFFF, { 1100011111000111 }π $E38FFFFF, { 1110001110001111 }π $F11FFFFF, { 1111000100011111 }π $F83FFFFF, { 1111100000111111 }π $FC7FFFFF, { 1111110001111111 }π $F83FFFFF, { 1111100000111111 }π $F11FFFFF, { 1111000100011111 }π $E38FFFFF, { 1110001110001111 }π $C7C7FFFF, { 1100011111000111 }π $8003FFFF, { 1000000000000011 }π $0001FFFF, { 0000000000000001 }π $0001FFFF, { 0000000000000001 }π $0000FFFF, { 0000000000000000 }π { ^^^^ immer! (Textmodus) }π { Bildschirmmaske: } $00000000, { 0000000000000000 }π $7FFC0000, { 0111111111111100 }π $20080000, { 0010000000001000 }π $10100000, { 0001000000010000 }π $08200000, { 0000100000100000 }π $04400000, { 0000010001000000 }π $02800000, { 0000001010000000 }π $01000000, { 0000000100000000 }π $02800000, { 0000001010000000 }π $04400000, { 0000010001000000 }π $08200000, { 0000100000100000 }π $10100000, { 0001000000010000 }π $20080000, { 0010000000001000 }π $7FFC0000, { 0111111111111100 }π $00000000, { 0000000000000000 }π $00000000); { 0000000000000000 }π { ^^^^ immer! (Textmodus) }ππ vgatextgraphicptr : pTextgraphikcursor = @pfeil;π { @sanduhr }π{ ─ Variablendeklarationen ──────────────────────────────────────────────── }πVAR hidebox : box;π regs : REGISTERS;π vgastoredarray : ARRAY[1..3, 1..3] OF BYTE;π lasteventx, lasteventy : WORD;π hasstoredarray : BOOLEAN;π oldexitproc : POINTER;ππCONST chardefs : pChardefs = NIL;π charheight = 16;π defchar = $D0;πππ{ ─ exportierte Prozeduren und Funktionen ───────────────────────────────── }πprocedure swap(var a,b : word);πvar c : word;πbeginπ c := a;π a := b;π b := c; {swap a and b}πend; {swap}ππprocedure setMouseCursor(x,y : word);πbeginπ with regs do beginπ ax := 4;π cx := x;π dx := y; {prepare parameters}π INTR($33, regs);π end; {with}πend; {setMouseCursor}ππFUNCTION x : WORD;πBEGINπ regs.AX := 3;π INTR($33, regs);π x := regs.CX;πEND;ππFUNCTION y : WORD;πBEGINπ regs.AX := 3;π INTR($33, regs);π y := regs.DX;πEND;ππprocedure mouseBox(left,top,right,bottom : word);πbeginπ if (left > right) then swap(left,right);π if (top > bottom) then swap(top,bottom); {make sure they are ordered}π regs.ax := 7;π regs.cx := left;π regs.dx := right;π INTR($33, regs); {set x range}π regs.ax := 8;π regs.cx := top;π regs.dx := bottom;π INTR($33, regs); {set y range}πend; {mouseBox}πππPROCEDURE initmouse;πVAR overridedriver : BOOLEAN; { wegen Hercules-Karten }π tempvideomode : BYTE; { Zwischenspeicher für Modus }πBEGINπ overridedriver := FALSE; { erstmal nicht override! }ππ IF (FALSE AND (MEM[SEG0040:$0049] = 7)) THEN { doch overriden? }π BEGINπ MEM[SEG0040:$0049] := 6; { Ja: Videomodus vortäuschen }π overridedriver := TRUE; { und override setzen! }π END;ππ IF vgatextgraphiccursor = TRUE THEN { Graphikcursor im Textmodus? }π BEGINπ tempvideomode := MEM[SEG0040:$0049]; { Videomodus zwischenspeichern}π MEM[SEG0040:$0049] := 6; { anderen Modus vortäuschen }π END;ππ WITH regs DO { Maustyp ermitteln }π BEGIN { und Anzahl der Tasten auch }π AX := 0; BX := 0; { Maus initialisieren (00h) }π INTR($33, regs); { Mausinterrupt aufrufen }ππ mouse_present := (AX <> 0); { überhaupt Maus vorhanden? }π IF (BX AND 2) <> 0 THEN mouse_buttons := twobutton { Maustasten ermitt.}π ELSE IF (BX AND 3) > 0 THEN mouse_buttons := threebuttonπ ELSE mouse_buttons := another;π END;ππ IF overridedriver = TRUE THEN MEM[SEG0040:$0049] := 7; { override? }π IF vgatextgraphiccursor = TRUE THEN { Graphikcursor im Textmodus? }π MEM[SEG0040:$0049] := tempvideomode; { Ja: Modus restaurieren! }ππ IF (NOT vgatextgraphiccursor) THEN fontpoints := mousetextscaleπ ELSE fontpoints := MEM[SEG0040:$0085];π maxmousex := maxx * mousetextscale; { Mausgrenzen ausrechnen }π maxmousey := maxy * fontpoints;ππ mousebox(0, 0, (visiblex * mousetextscale)-1, (visibley * fontpoints)-1);π eventbuttons := 0; eventhappened := FALSE; { noch kein Event gewesen! }ππ xmotions := 8; ymotions := 16; mousecursorlevel := 0; { Cursor nicht s. }π hasstoredarray := FALSE; { noch keine Daten im Array }ππ setmousecursor(visiblex * mousetextscale DIV 2, visibley * fontpoints DIV 2);π eventx := x; eventy := y; lasteventx := eventx; lasteventy := eventy;πEND;ππPROCEDURE vgascreen2array(newposition, s2a, defaultrange : BOOLEAN);πVAR x, y : WORD;π w, h : WORD;π o, l : WORD;π i, j : BYTE;πBEGINπ IF (newposition = TRUE) THENπ BEGINπ x := eventx DIV mousetextscale;π y := eventy DIV fontpoints;π ENDπ ELSEπ BEGINπ x := lasteventx DIV mousetextscale;π y := lasteventy DIV fontpoints;π END;ππ w := visiblex - x; IF (w > 3) THEN w := 3;π h := visibley - y; IF (h > 3) THEN h := 3;π o := 2 * x + 2 * visiblex * y;π l := 2 * visiblex - 2 * w;ππ IF (defaultrange = TRUE) THENπ BEGINπ FOR i := 0 TO h - 1 DOπ BEGINπ FOR j := 0 TO w - 1 DOπ BEGINπ MEM[SEGB800:o] := defchar + i * 3 + j;π INC(o, 2);π END;π INC(o, l);π END;π ENDπ ELSEπ IF (s2a = TRUE) THENπ BEGINπ FOR i := 1 TO h DOπ BEGINπ FOR j := 1 TO w DOπ BEGINπ vgastoredarray[i, j] := MEM[SEGB800:o];π INC(o, 2)π END;π INC(o, l);π END;π ENDπ ELSEπ BEGINπ FOR i := 1 TO h DOπ BEGINπ FOR j := 1 TO w DOπ BEGINπ MEM[SEGB800:o] := vgastoredarray[i, j];π INC(o, 2);π END;π INC(o, l);π END;π END;πEND;ππPROCEDURE drawvgatextgraphiccursor;πTYPE lp = ^LONGINT;πCONST sequencerport = $3C4;π sequenceraddrmode = $704;π sequenceraddrnrml = $302;π vgacontrolerport = $3CE;π cpureadmap2 = $204;π cpuwritemap2 = $402;π mapstartaddrA000 = $406;π mapstartaddrB800 = $E06;π oddevenaddr = $304;πVAR o, s : WORD;π i, j : INTEGER;π s1, s2, s3 : WORD;π a : LONGINT;π d, mc, ms : lp;ππBEGINπ ASMπ PUSHFπ CLIπ MOV DX, sequencerportπ MOV AX, sequenceraddrmodeπ OUT DX, AXπ MOV DX, vgacontrolerportπ MOV AX, cpureadmap2π OUT DX, AXπ MOV AX, 5π OUT DX, AXπ MOV AX, mapstartaddrA000π OUT DX, AXπ POPFπ END;ππ o := 0;π FOR i := 1 TO 3 DOπ BEGINπ s1 := vgastoredarray[i, 1] * 32;π s2 := vgastoredarray[i, 2] * 32;π s3 := vgastoredarray[i, 3] * 32;ππ FOR j := 1 TO fontpoints DOπ BEGINπ INC(o); chardefs^[o] := MEM[SEGA000:s3];π INC(o); chardefs^[o] := MEM[SEGA000:s2];π INC(o); chardefs^[o] := MEM[SEGA000:s1];π INC(o); INC(s1); INC(s2); INC(s3);π END;π END;ππ s := eventx MOD mousetextscale;π a := $FF000000 SHL (mousetextscale - s);ππ d := @chardefs^[(eventy MOD fontpoints) * SIZEOF(LONGINT)];π ms := @vgatextgraphicptr^;π mc := @vgatextgraphicptr^[charheight];ππ FOR i := 1 TO charheight DOπ BEGINπ d^ := (d^ and ((ms^ shr s) or a)) or (mc^ shr s);π INC(WORD(d), SIZEOF(LONGINT));π INC(WORD(mc), SIZEOF(LONGINT));π INC(WORD(ms), SIZEOF(LONGINT));π END;ππ ASMπ MOV DX, sequencerportπ MOV AX, cpuwritemap2π OUT DX, AXπ END;ππ o := 0;π for i := 0 to 2 do beginπ s1 := (defChar + 3 * i ) * 32;π s2 := (defChar + 3 * i + 1) * 32;π s3 := (defChar + 3 * i + 2) * 32;π for j := 1 to fontPoints do beginπ inc(o); { skip 4th byte }π mem[segA000:s3] := charDefs^[o];π { this code is changed to minimize DS variable space ! - RL }π inc(o);π mem[segA000:s2] := charDefs^[o];π inc(o);π mem[segA000:s1] := charDefs^[o];π inc(o);π inc(s1);π inc(s2);π inc(s3);π end; { for j }π end; { for i }ππ (* now we will return the graphic adapter back to normal *)ππ asmπ pushf;π cli; { disable intr .. }π mov dx, sequencerPort;π mov ax, sequencerAddrNrml;π out dx, ax;π mov ax, oddEvenAddr;π out dx, ax;ππ mov dx, vgaControlerPort;π mov ax, 4; { map 0 for cpu reads }π out dx, ax;π mov ax, $1005;π out dx, ax;π mov ax, mapStartAddrB800;π out dx, axπ popf;π end; { asm }ππ vgaScreen2Array(true, false, true); { go ahead and paint it .. }ππend; {drawVGATextGraphicCursor}ππ(******************************************************************************π* showMouseCursor *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure showMouseCursor;ππbeginπ inc(mouseCursorLevel);π if (not vgaTextGraphicCursor) then beginπ regs.ax:=1; {enable cursor display}π INTR($33, regs);π end else if ((mouseCursorLevel = 1) and mouse_present) then beginπ vgaScreen2Array(true, true, false);π hasStoredArray := true;π drawVGATextGraphicCursor;π end;πend; {showMouseCursor}ππ(******************************************************************************π* hideMouseCursor *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure hideMouseCursor;ππbeginπ dec(mouseCursorLevel);π if (not vgaTextGraphicCursor) then beginπ regs.ax:=2; {disable cursor display}π INTR($33, regs);π end else if ((mouseCursorLevel = 0) and (hasStoredArray)) then beginπ vgaScreen2Array(false, false, false);π hasStoredArray := false;π end;πend; {hideMouseCursor}πππ(******************************************************************************π* getButton *π******************************************************************************)πfunction getButton(Button : Byte) : buttonState;ππbeginπ regs.ax := 3;π INTR($33, regs);π if ((regs.bx and Button) <> 0) thenπ getButton := buttonDownπ {bit 0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = middle}π else getButton := buttonUp;πend; {getButton}ππ(******************************************************************************π* buttonPressed *π******************************************************************************)πfunction buttonPressed : boolean;ππbeginπ regs.ax := 3;π INTR($33, regs);π if ((regs.bx and 7) <> 0) thenπ buttonPressed := Trueπ else buttonPressed := False;πend; {buttonPressed}πππ(******************************************************************************π* lastXPress *π******************************************************************************)πfunction lastXPress(Button : Byte) : word;ππbeginπ regs.ax := 5;π regs.bx := Button;π INTR($33, regs);π lastXPress := regs.cx;πend; {lastXpress}ππ(******************************************************************************π* lastYPress *π******************************************************************************)πfunction lastYPress(Button : Byte) : word;ππbeginπ regs.ax := 5;π regs.bx := Button;π INTR($33, regs);π lastYPress := regs.dx;πend; {lastYpress}ππ(******************************************************************************π* buttonPresses *π******************************************************************************)πfunction buttonPresses(Button : Byte) : word; {from last check}ππbeginπ regs.ax := 5;π regs.bx := Button;π INTR($33, regs);π buttonPresses := regs.bx;πend; {buttonPresses}ππ(******************************************************************************π* lastXRelease *π******************************************************************************)πfunction lastXRelease(Button : Byte) : word;ππbeginπ regs.ax := 6;π regs.bx := Button;π INTR($33, regs);π lastXRelease := regs.cx;πend; {lastXRelease}ππ(******************************************************************************π* lastYRelease *π******************************************************************************)πfunction lastYRelease(Button : Byte) : word;ππbeginπ regs.ax := 6;π regs.bx := Button;π INTR($33, regs);π lastYRelease := regs.dx;πend; {lastYRelease}ππ(******************************************************************************π* buttonReleases *π******************************************************************************)πfunction buttonReleases(Button : Byte) : word; {from last check}ππbeginπ regs.ax := 6;π regs.bx := Button;π INTR($33, regs);π buttonReleases := regs.bx;πend; {buttonReleases}ππ(******************************************************************************π* HardwareTextCursor *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure HardwareTextCursor(fromLine,toLine : byte);ππ{set text cursor to text, using the scan lines from..to,π same as intr 10 cursor set in bios :π color scan lines 0..7, monochrome 0..13 }ππbeginπ regs.ax := 10;π regs.bx := 1; {hardware text}π regs.cx := fromLine;π regs.dx := toLine;π INTR($33, regs);πend; {hardwareTextCursor}ππ(******************************************************************************π* softwareTextCursor *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure softwareTextCursor(screenMask,cursorMask : word);ππ{ when in this mode the cursor will be achived by ANDing the screen wordπ with the screen mask (Attr,Char in high,low order) andπ XORing the cursor mask, ussually used by putting the screen attrπ we want preserved in screen mask (and 0 into screen mask characterπ byte), and character + attributes we want to set into cursor mask}ππbeginπ regs.ax := 10;π regs.bx := 0; {software cursor}π regs.cx := screenMask;π regs.dx := cursorMask;π INTR($33, regs);πend; {softwareMouseCursor}ππ(******************************************************************************π* recentXmovement *π******************************************************************************)πfunction recentXmovement : direction;ππ{from recent call to which direction did we move ?}ππvar d : integer;ππbeginπ regs.ax := 11;π INTR($33, regs);π d := regs.cx;π if (d > 0)π then recentXmovement := moveRightπ else if (d < 0)π then recentXmovement := moveLeftπ else recentXmovement := noMove;πend; {recentXmovement}ππ(******************************************************************************π* recentYmovement *π******************************************************************************)πfunction recentYmovement : direction;ππ{from recent call to which direction did we move ?}ππvarπ d : integer;πbeginπ regs.ax := 11;π INTR($33, regs);π d := regs.dx;π if (d > 0)π then recentYmovement := moveDownπ else if (d < 0)π then recentYmovement := moveUpπ else recentYmovement := noMove;πend; {recentYmovement}πππ(******************************************************************************π* setEventHandler *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure setEventHandler(mask : word; handler : pointer);ππ{handler must be a far interrupt routine }ππbeginπ regs.ax := 12; {set event handler function in mouse driver}π regs.cx := mask;π regs.es := seg(handler^);π regs.dx := ofs(handler^);π INTR($33, regs);π lastMask := mask;π lastHandler := handler;πend; {set event Handler}ππ(******************************************************************************π* defaultHandler *π******************************************************************************)π{$F+} procedure defaultHandler; assembler; {$F-}πasmπ push ds; { save TP mouse driver }π mov ax, SEG @data;π mov ds, ax; { ds = TP:ds, not the driver's ds }π mov eventX, cx; { where in the x region did it occur }π mov eventY, dx;π mov eventButtons, bx;π mov eventHappened, 1; { eventHapppened := true }π pop ds; { restore driver's ds }π ret;πend;ππ{ this is the default event handler , it simulates :ππ beginπ eventX := cx;π eventY := dx;π eventButtons := bx;π eventhappened := True;π end;ππ}ππ(******************************************************************************π* doPascalStuff *π* this is the pascal stuff that is called when vgaTextGraphicCursor mode has *π* to update the screen. *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure doPascalStuff; far;πbeginπ if (mouseCursorLevel > 0) then beginπ if (hasStoredArray) then beginπ VGAscreen2Array(false, false, false); { move old array to screen -πrestore }π hasStoredArray := false;π end;π if (mouseCursorLevel > 0) then beginπ VGAscreen2Array(true, true, false); { move new - from screen to arrayπ}π hasStoredArray := true; { now we have a stored array }π drawVGATextGraphicCursor; { do the low level stuff here }π lastEventX := eventX;π lastEventY := eventY; { this is the old location }π end; { go ahead and draw it ... }π end; { cursorLevel > 0 }πend; {doPascalStuff}ππ(******************************************************************************π* vgaTextGraphicHandler *π* this is the same as default handler, only we do the mouse location movement *π* ourself. Notice - if you use another handler, for mouse movement with *π* VGA text graphic cursor - do the same !!! *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure vgaTextGraphicHandler; far; assembler;πlabelπ noCursorMove;πasmπ push ds; { save TP mouse driver }π push ax;π mov ax, SEG @data;π mov ds, ax; { ds = TP:ds, not the driver's ds }π pop ax; { ax has the reason .. }π mov eventX, cx; { where in the x region did it occur }π mov eventY, dx;π mov eventButtons, bx;π mov eventHappened, 1; { eventHapppened := true }π and ax, CURSOR_LOCATION_CHANGED; { o.k., do we need to handle mouse movement? }π jz noCursorMove;π call doPascalStuff;π mov eventHappened, 0;π { NOTICE - no movement events are detected in the out world ! - this is aπ wintext consideration - It might be needed to track mouse movements,π and then it should be changed ! - but this is MY default handler ! }πnoCursorMove: { no need for cursor movement handling }π pop ds; { restore driver's ds }πend; {vgaTextGraphicHandler}ππ(******************************************************************************π* GetLastEvent *π******************************************************************************)πfunction GetLastEvent(var x,y : word;π var left_button,right_button,middle_button : buttonState) : boolean;ππbeginπ getLastEvent := eventhappened; {indicate if any event happened}π eventhappened := False; {clear to next read/event}π x := eventX;π y := eventY;π if ((eventButtons and cLinke_taste) <> 0) thenπ left_button := buttonDownπ else left_button := buttonUp;π if ((eventButtons and cRechte_taste) <> 0) thenπ right_button := buttonDownπ else right_button := buttonUp;π if ((eventButtons and cMittlere_taste) <> 0) thenπ middle_button := buttonDownπ else middle_button := buttonUp;πend; {getLastEvent}ππ(******************************************************************************π* setDefaultHandler *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure setDefaultHandler(mask : WORD);ππ{get only event mask, and set event handler to defaultHandler}ππbeginπ if (vgaTextGraphicCursor) then beginπ mask := mask or CURSOR_LOCATION_CHANGED; { we MUST detect cursor movementπ}π setEventHandler(mask,@vgaTextGraphicHandler);π end elseπ setEventHandler(mask,@defaultHandler);πend; {setDefaultHandler}ππ(******************************************************************************π* defineSensetivity *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure defineSensetivity(x,y : word);ππbeginπ regs.ax := 15;π regs.cx := x; {# of mouse motions to horizontal 8 pixels}π regs.dx := y; {# of mouse motions to vertical 8 pixels}π INTR($33, regs);π XMotions := x;π YMotions := y; {update global unit variables}πend; {defineSensetivity}ππ(******************************************************************************π* setHideCursorBox *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure setHideCursorBox(left,top,right,bottom : word);ππbeginπ regs.ax := 16;π regs.es := seg(HideBox);π regs.dx := ofs(HideBox);π HideBox.left := left;π HideBox.right := right;π HideBox.top := top;π HideBox.bottom := bottom;π INTR($33, regs);πend; {setHideCursorBox}ππ(******************************************************************************π* waitForRelease *π* Wait until button is release, or timeOut 1/100 seconds pass. (might miss a *π* tenth (1/10) of a second. *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure waitForRelease(timeout : WORD);πvarπ sHour, sMinute, sSecond, sSec100 : word; { Time at start }π cHour, cMinute, cSecond, cSec100 : word; { Current time }π stopSec : longInt;π currentSec : longInt;π Delta : longInt;πbeginπ getTime(sHour, sMinute, sSecond, sSec100);π stopSec := (sHour*36000 + sMinute*600 + sSecond*10 + sSec100 + timeOut) modπ (24*360000);π repeatπ getTime(cHour, cMinute, cSecond, cSec100);π currentSec := (cHour*36000 + cMinute*600 + cSecond*10 + cSec100);π Delta := currentSec - stopSec;π until (not ButtonPressed) or (Delta >=0) and (Delta < 36000);πend; {waitForRelease}ππ(******************************************************************************π* swapEventHandler *π* handler is a far routine. *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure swapEventHandler(mask : WORD; handler : POINTER);πbeginπ regs.ax := $14;π regs.cx := mask;π regs.es := seg(handler^);π regs.dx := ofs(handler^);π INTR($33, regs);π lastMask := regs.cx;π lastHandler := ptr(regs.es,regs.dx);πend; {swapEventHandler}ππ(******************************************************************************π* getMouseSaveStateSize *π******************************************************************************)πfunction getMouseSaveStateSize : WORD;πbeginπ regs.ax := $15;π INTR($33, regs);π getMouseSaveStateSize := regs.bx;πend; {getMouseSaveStateSize}ππ(******************************************************************************π* setVgaTextGraphicCursor *π******************************************************************************)πprocedure setVgaTextGraphicCursor;πbeginπ vgaTextGraphicCursor := false; { assume we can not .. }π if (queryAdapterType <> vgaColor) thenπ exit;π vgaTextGraphicCursor := true;πend; {setVgaTextGraphicCursor}ππ(******************************************************************************π* resetVgaTextGraphicCursor *π******************************************************************************)πPROCEDURE resetvgatextgraphiccursor;πBEGINπ vgatextgraphiccursor := FALSE;πEND;ππPROCEDURE myexitproc; FAR;πBEGINπ EXITPROC := oldexitproc;π IF (vgatextgraphiccursor AND hasstoredarray) THENπ vgascreen2array(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);π DISPOSE(chardefs);π resetvgatextgraphiccursor;π initmouse;πEND;ππPROCEDURE set_graphic_mouse_cursor; { graphischen Mauscursor setzen }πBEGINπ setvgatextgraphiccursor; initmouse; setdefaulthandler(left_button_pressed);πEND;ππ{ ─ Hauptprogramm der Unit ──────────────────────────────────────────────── }πBEGINπ eventx := 0; eventy := 0; eventhappened := FALSE;π NEW(chardefs); initmouse;π oldexitproc := EXITPROC;π EXITPROC := @myexitproc;πEND.ππ